COVID-19 Information

SCENT is a COVID-safe practice.  The following requirements and restrictions apply to attending SCENT premises:

1. Masks must be worn by adults and children 12 and over within SCENT premises unless a valid mask exemption is shown to our staff

2. You should not attend SCENT premises if you are experiencing cold or flu like symptoms on the day of your appointment.

3. If you were diagnosed with COVID-19, you should not attend SCENT premises until at least 7 days after your diagnosis.  You must be
    asymptomatic when you do attend our premises after the 7 day exclusion period

4. Please respect social distancing rules while attending SCENT premises

5. QR check-in is not mandatory but is available should you wish to check in on your smartphone

6. Restrictions on overseas travellers attending a health care facility within 7 days or arrival back into Australia are not currently in place

7. Restrictions by hospitals remain on having surgery after contracting COVID.  Exclusion periods vary from hospital-to-hospital.  Please advise
    our staff if you have contracted COVID-19 in the 7 weeks prior to your scheduled surgery.